By Sebastián Bianchi
The Minister of Aviation and the Commander in Chief of the Luftwaffe instituted the Flyer’s Commemorative Badge on March 26, 1936. The badge was awarded to personnel honorably discharged from their flying duties and included pilots, observers, air gunners and paratroopers.
Manufacturing and Technical Information
The Flyer’s Commemorative Badge features an eagle perched atop a large rock surrounded by a wreath of oak leaves. The wreath was polished silver and the eagle was oxidized to give it a darkened appearance. Wartime photos show badges with and without the area near the eagles legs and tail cutout.
Awards of this badge took place before the outbreak of war only and can be produced in both 800 Silver and aluminum. Lower quality wartime badges were produced as replacements or duplicates and were not official award pieces.
This badge is one of the more rare Luftwaffe Qualification Badges produced. As with all medals time should be taken to familiarize yourself with known examples and their manufacturing characteristics.
Presentation, Wear and Documents
The award was authorized for wear with any uniform on the left breast. Miniature versions were also allowed on civilian attire. At the present time we are searching for more information about the presentation and documents for this award. If you have any information please contact me via email.
Award Criteria and Statistics
The minimum requirements necessary for active personnel, reserve personnel and holders of the First World War flying badge to qualify for the Flyer’s Commemorative Badge was four years of service; all others needed a minimum of fifteen years service. It was possible to receive the award if one was disabled due to a flying related accident. In the event of death in an aircraft accident the award would be presented to the next of kin.
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