This page created by Jacques Calero and Sebastián Bianchi
The Observer Badge was one of the first badges for which Reichsmarchall Göring gave specifications for. Although these provisions were published on November 27, 1935, the badge was not actually instituted until March 26, 1936.
Manufacturing and Technical Information
badge consists of an oval, slightly convex, silver plated wreath of oak and
laurel leaves (the right laurel, the left oak). An oxidized old-silver plated
eagle in a watching attitude is riveted to the wreath. The relieves are highly
polished. It was manufactured first of all in tombac (buntmetall),
aluminium then zinc. The measurements varied according to the manufacturer.
the others Luftwaffe qualification badges, several firms manufactured this one.
The known manufacturers are:
- C.E. JUNCKER BERLIN: The badge exists in light or heavy version.
In tombac or zinc, with the mark ‘’A’’ in relief or stamped.
- OM: In a square stamped
- GWL: in a circle for Gebrüder Wegerhoff Lüdenscheid
- Unmarked
Luftwaffe Observer Badge ( Mark Miller Collection)
pin assembly system depends on the manufacturer. The pin is a thin needle
vertical one.
Observer badge Cloth (Francois.Saez Collection)
Presentation, Wear and DocumentsThe badge was worn on the upper left breast pocket and was delivered in a dark blue box as pictured above. The upper lid is lined in blue and the lower lid with a blue velvet and‘’Beobachterabz.’’ is printed on the box in silver letters. The attribution was entered in the personal documents (soldbuch), and a certificate was delivered to the recipient. Award Criteria and StatisticsThe badge was awarded after completion of two month qualifying service, after five operational flight as observer, or if the recipient was wounded while posted as observer (prior to the completion of the 5 flights). The number presented is unknown to the authors at this time
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